World Book Day 2019
Years 7 and 8 celebrated World Book Day in style by dressing up as their favourite fictional characters. There were some fabulous costumes; everyone put a huge amount of thought and effort into their dress and Mrs Borzoni had a job to award prizes, but a special mention goes to Mille, Sareena, Eve, Gabby and Maddie in Year 7 for their ensemble dress up as characters from ‘Alice in Wonderland’, and to Lara in Year 8 who came as The Cat in the Hat, accompanied by Jess as Thing One and Mei as Thing Two.
After a parade around Square Hall, we returned to the classroom to hear from members of staff about powerful books that had a great impact on them. These included ‘Anne of Green Gables’ for the strong female character who sees the beauty in the world, ‘Animal Farm’ for its timeless message about power and corruption, and a less familiar book called ‘The Other Side of the Mountain’ for its pure escapism. The girls went away inspired to read for pleasure and maybe even to write their own powerful stories.
The Junior School also embraced World Book Day and dressed up in their favourite costumes, to view a collection of photos from the whole school visit our World Book Day Gallery.