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St Gabriel’s

St Gabriel’s


We are currently between uniform suppliers.  During this transition period, 13 March - 23 June, all uniform orders will be handled by the school. 

To order any items of uniform, please email, with the item(s) and size(s) you require.  The Finance Office will then pick and pack your order and request payment.  Once payment has been received your named order will be left in the hamper in the entrance hall. 

Details on how to purchase uniform from our new supplier will be sent to you early in June.

Second-hand Shop

Our PTA run a very successful Second-Hand Uniform Shop.  The shop, situated adjacent to the Sports Hall, is open every Tuesday, term time only, between 2.30pm - 5.00pm.  Please see the location map below.  

The Second-Hand Uniform Shop offers a personal shopping service.  Completed order forms should be sent to  

The Second-Hand Uniform Shop also stocks new rucksacks, PE bags, book bags and sun hats. Payment is by bank transfer only.