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St Gabriel’s

St Gabriel’s

Sport & Wellbeing


We pride ourselves on the high standard of our pastoral care.  Each form has no more than 20 pupils with a member of staff attached as a Form Tutor, who sees pupils in their form daily, takes form periods and delivers the PSHE programme in weekly sessions.

Each pupil meets with their Form Tutor on a one-to-one basis every half-term.  The Form Tutor is the member of staff who will get to know your child most quickly and will support them throughout their time in the Senior School.

Overseeing this system are two Heads of School, supported by the Deputies to Heads of School. The Heads of School report to the Deputy Head (Pastoral).

  • Mrs Rebecca Wright, Head of Lower School (Year 7 & Year 8)
  • Mrs Jenny Shillaw, Head of Upper School (Year 9, Year 10 & Year 11)
  • Mrs Katie Hastings, Deputy to Heads of School
  • Mr Jake Rowell, Deputy to Heads of School

The Form Tutor acts as an academic tutor, reading through reports with their students and helping them to set targets so that they learn to evaluate their own performance critically.  We track each pupil's progress throughout their school career so that we can match potential closely to achievement.

We have a dedicated counsellor, who provides support to pupils, parents and staff.  This may take the form of parent sessions, pupil groups or tutor sessions, one-to-ones or working with particular families where there is a need.  It provides support to ensure the mental wellbeing of all those involved in the St Gabriel’s community.

"Since my daughter started at St Gabriel’s her confidence has grown considerably, she is more resilient and comfortable in her own skin. The school has supported her on this journey and has been proactive in identifying opportunities to help her develop."



We are deeply committed to pupils’ wellbeing and aim to create an environment where everyone aspires to develop their sporting ability.   In addition, PE staff give advice and guidance relating to mindfulness and the extensive opportunities in sport from performer and coach to official.St Gabriel's Sport

St Gabriel’s enjoys a broad fixtures programme and is committed to its philosophy of differentiation and inclusivity throughout the school.  Various UK sports tours are organised for netball.  Additional provision exists for Sports Scholars and higher performing pupils, with the latter being assigned a mentor to offer advice on balancing study with sporting commitments.  

Team selection is dependent on regular attendance at practices and the individual development of the pupil.  To fulfil our policy of sport for all, there are regular opportunities for pupils to take part in inter-House competitions, swimming galas and sports days.  Turn up and play sessions are held throughout the week and feature a variety of different sports.

There is a wide variety of co-curricular clubs on offer with qualified specialist coaches. Autumn Term clubs normally include: climbing, football, gym, hockey, judo, lacrosse, netball, running, rugby and trampolining.  Spring and Summer Term clubs normally include: athletics, climbing, cricket, football, gymnastics, judo, rounders, swimming, tennis and trampolining.

St Gabriel’s seeks to prepare its pupils for an active and healthy life.