Houses & House Points
The school is divided into four Houses: Aidan (yellow), Alban (red), Bede (blue), and Chad (green). Pupils are assigned to a House in Reception and the Houses form an important part of the school community. Children of alumnae and siblings are assigned to the same House.
In the Junior School, the House system is used as a positive system of rewards to encourage and promote good behaviour and to raise pupils’ self-esteem. From Year 1—Year 6, House Points may be awarded for a variety of positive behaviours. These may include politeness, manners, consideration for others, helping others, effort and achievement in class, sport, music and drama.
Junior pupils also take part in the competitive, but inclusive and fun, annual inter-House quiz, sports day and swimming gala. A cup is awarded to the winning House.
In the Senior School, each House has a Sixth Form Captain and Vice-Captain who are elected by the pupils. In addition to the annual Sports Day and Swimming Gala, inter House competitions in Music, Sport and Dance are highlights of the school year and, although hotly contested, are inclusive and supportive events enjoyed by all pupils. A cup is awarded to the winning House.
House Points are awarded in the Senior School for excellent work or effort and at the end of the Summer Term, the House with the highest average number of House Points is awarded the House Point Cup for the year.