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St Gabriel’s

St Gabriel’s

Year 6 Visit Newbury Town Hall

Recently, Year 6 were invited to Newbury Town Hall to meet the Mayor and local councillors for the morning.

Year 6 were greeted by the Town Crier and then spent the morning learning about the council - the role of the councillors and the Mayor, and the history of Newbury council (there has been a mayor for over 450 years!). They even spent time in the Mayor's office where they could ask the Mayor questions and see his collection of teddies!  

It was so much fun trying on the councillor's robes! 


The Newbury flag was only made because Germany asked for it and we didn't have one! 


The council have £1000,000 to spend each year, and they are really sad if things get vandalised.


The Town Crier rings his bell to share important news.
