PTA Bag 2 School

The Bag 2 School scheme is a way of turning your unwanted clothing into funds for the PTA whilst supporting our desire to improving recycling within our school community. All clothing collected by Bag 2 School is sold to importers and wholesalers in many countries of Eastern and Western Europe, Africa and Asia. In return the PTA receives 40 pence for every kilogram collected.
Our next Bag 2 School collection will be taking place on Friday December 6 from 8am until 9:30am. Please bring your unwanted, good quality clothing and other items to the outdoor classroom in the Junior School playground for recycling.
Items from the following categories are accepted:-
• Clothing
• Paired shoes (secure with an elastic band)
• Bags and handbags
• Hats and scarves
• Ties
• Jewellery
• Lingerie
• Belts
• Soft toys
• Household linen and curtains
• Household towels
• Household bedding (bed sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers)
Unfortunately the following types of item cannot be taken:-
• Duvets and blankets• Pillows and cushions• Carpets, rugs and mats (including bath, shower and toilet mats) • Curtains • Towels • • School uniforms with or without logos • Corporate clothing and workwear
Collection bags are available in school for your items, but other plastic bags are accepted.
Further information about Bag 2 School, how they operate and their ethical policy is available on their website.