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St Gabriel’s

St Gabriel’s

Cross Curricular Week at St Gabriel's Junior School: Igniting Curiosity

From 20-24 May, St Gabriel's Junior School celebrated Cross Curricular Week with the exciting theme of "Igniting Curiosity."

The week was packed with diverse activities and hands-on learning experiences designed to inspire and engage pupils across various subjects.

One of the highlights was the Silly Science Workshop, where pupils explored elements like fire, water, and air through a series of fun and educational experiments. The Coke and Mentos experiment was particularly memorable, causing a lot of laughs and a delightful mess.

Year 5 got creative and practical, spending a day designing and building bridges. They eagerly awaited testing their structures with weights to see how well their designs held up.

Year 4 took a cosmic approach, crafting detailed models of the planets in our solar system. Their enthusiasm for space was evident in the colorful and accurate representations they created.

A trip to Winchester Science Museum provided an excellent opportunity for all the pupils to engage in hands-on experiments and interactive exhibits, further sparking their curiosity and love for science.

Year 1 pupils took on an ambitious project, constructing their own model of the International Space Station. Their collaborative efforts and imaginative designs showcased their interest in space exploration.

Cross Curricular Week was a fantastic success, filled with laughter, learning, and creativity. It truly ignited curiosity in all our junior pupils, making them eager for more discoveries and adventures in the future.