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St Gabriel’s

St Gabriel’s

Junior School News November

Junior School parents receive a weekly e-newsletter featuring sporting achievements, Doodle Maths, House Point Certificates and other successes as well as updates on some of the learning taking place in the classrooms. Snippets from the November 26 newsletter are replicated below.

Reception DiwaliDiwali

As part of our Festivals of Light topic in Reception we have been learning about Divali. We learnt that this is a Hindu festival that celebrates the story of good conquering over evil. In the story, Prince Rama defeats the evil ten headed demon, Ravana to rescue the beautiful Princess Sita. The people then showed Rama and Sita the way home by lighting hundreds of diva lamps.

In Reception we used shadow puppets to act out the story with lots of exciting words and sound effects. We painted pictures of diva lamps and we all made our own diva lamp out of clay and then painted it using the sparkly paints! We made natural rangoli patterns in the woods during OWLtime.

Happy Divali!

Year 1

diwaliLike Reception, this week Year 1 have been celebrating the Festival of Diwali. They have had great fun making their diva lamps with clay and then painting them traditional bright colours.

In the picture, you can see them holding their lamps which  Year 1 parents will be receiving as precious presents this Christmas! 




Class 2S Wow Wall

Wow WallClass 2S are exceedingly proud to present our 'Wow Wall' - a selection of work handpicked by the children that they are especially proud of. The children are given time every other week to choose a piece of work to go on our wall to share with the class and, hopefully one day soon, future visitors to the school. The work ranges from a fact file about the Wright Brothers (Phoebe), labelling the parts of a lighthouse (Olivia), using proper nouns (Aira), adding near multiples of 10 (Luca) and further maths extension (Arjun). The children take time to consider exactly why they are proud of their work. Niamh shares that she is proud of her grammar because "it is neat" and Ace says "My maths because I didn't give up". Francesca "worked so hard" on her grammar and Sylvie worked "very incredibly hard" with her artwork. The best way we learn though? Through fun, which is what Elodie, Rebecca and Rafael think of theirs!

Class 4G History/Art – Tudor portraits

Tudor PortraitsFor the last few weeks, Class 4G have been working on a major cross-curricular art project, creating some impressive Tudor portraits. The children sketched out their pictures from the "original" portraits in their books.  They then scaled these up to an A3 piece of paper. The class discussed proportions of the face and learned how to compose the portrait so it looked well in the chosen format.

The children used tempera paint. Tempera painting was the main medium used during the Renaissance for smaller scale paintings on wooden panels. (A pigment which is tempered with a water soluble binder, such as egg yolk or certain types of glue, is known as tempera.) tudor portraits The class also learned how to mix different shades of skin colour. 

They are currently designing and making suitably grand frames for their portraits.

What do you think Henry VIII would have made of them?



Year 5 French

French teachingIn our French lessons we have been starting to put together vocabulary we have learnt over previous years and making proper sentences. Our confidence is growing and we are able to describe ourselves using full sentences, describing our hair, eyes and clothes with all our adjectives in the right places.

We are also taking care to use the correct masculine and feminine words, and practising our pronunciation. Piecing our knowledge together is very satisfying and we are getting better every week.