St Gabriel's Harvest Thanksgiving 2024

Before half-term, the whole school gathered for our annual Harvest Thanksgiving, a special occasion to reflect, give thanks, and share with those in need.
The celebration began with the first hymn, during which our youngest students from Reception, along with class representatives, carried offerings to the front of the hall. It was a touching sight, symbolising our collective contributions to support those facing hardship in our local area.
One of the highlights of the event was the delightful performance of "We Are the Farmers" by Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 students. Their enthusiasm filled the room, celebrating the hard work of farmers and the gifts of nature that provide for us all.
Our guest speaker, Reverend Joy Mawdesley, Associate Rector of St Nicholas Church in Newbury, delivered a thought-provoking address on the themes of Harvest and gratitude. Reverend Joy reminded us of the essential role plants play in our lives—not only as food sources but also as providers of oils, medicines, energy, and materials that contribute to countless aspects of our daily lives. Her reflections encouraged all of us to recognise and appreciate the abundance around us.
Following Reverend Joy’s words, the Deputy Head Girl, Ismay G, read a moving Harvest Prayer, which was followed by a spirited performance of the "Harvest Samba" by Years 3 to 6, which brought a lively close to the celebration.
The school community came together in an impressive show of support for the West Berkshire Foodbank, contributing a massive 758.7 kg of food—a weight roughly equal to that of a fully grown bison! This is a whopping 113.1 kg more than last year’s collection. It also means that St Gabriel's has donated the equivalent of another 1593 meals for local people who are experiencing real hardship.
Events like the Harvest Thanksgiving are a testament to the spirit of the St Gabriel’s community, of which we are so proud. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to this year’s collection. We look forward to sharing more ways to support our partner charities after half-term!