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St Gabriel’s

St Gabriel’s

St Gabriel's Spring Concert: A Night of Musical Highlights

On 24 April 2024, St Gabriel's held its Senior Spring Concert, featuring impressive performances from our talented senior pupils and students.

The evening opened with the Senior School Orchestra's powerful rendition of "Skyfall" by Adele, showcasing their skill and cohesion. This was followed by a beautiful performance from the Flute Ensemble, whose harmonious melodies captivated the audience.

A standout moment was Penny's enchanting solo of "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid, which earned her enthusiastic applause. The Jazz Band brought dynamic energy to the night with their lively set, leaving everyone tapping their feet.

Our comperes, Issy and Rufus, added charm and elegance with their engaging introductions and anecdotes. Special thanks go to Dr Tebbs for his piano accompaniment and to the teachers who supported our musicians.

The Spring Concert was a memorable celebration of the diverse musical talents at St Gabriel's. We look forward to more such joyous musical evenings.