Year 4 Visit Lulworth Cove

On Monday 5 June Year 4 travelled down to the Purbecks for their first St Gabriel's residential trip!
The children are studying the formation of Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door as part of their Geography topic of coasts this term. We have discussed the features at length in the classroom, and looked at many pictures, so to see the sites for REAL at last was a wonderful moment. It wasn't obviously quite as exciting as finding out who was in your dormitory at the youth hostel, but it was a close second.
We were so lucky with the weather, basking in the sunshine for both days. Our trip started at Durdle Door, where we sketched the famous arch, before descending to Man O'War bay for some beach time, where a team cooperated to make an impressive coastal defence out of rocks. We then hiked back over the cliffs to Lulworth for an ice cream, and then along some beautiful footpaths to the hostel for the night. The next day we joined the Lulworth Rangers for a brilliant morning session, learning more about the changing coastline, and expanding our geological knowledge significantly before a coachload of weary travellers made the journey home.
The teachers slept well that night!