Year 6 Step Back in Time with WWII Anderson Shelter Project

Before the Half Term break, our Year 6 pupils were delving into the realities of life in Britain during World War II, exploring key historical themes such as rationing, evacuations, and the Blitz.
As part of their studies, they took on an exciting hands-on challenge—creating their very own miniature Anderson shelters!
First introduced in 1938, Anderson shelters were designed to provide families with vital protection during air raids. By the time war broke out in September 1939, around 1.5 million shelters had already been installed in gardens across the UK, with a further 2.1 million added throughout the war. These shelters became a symbol of wartime resilience, offering a safe refuge during the Blitz.
Bringing history to life, our Year 6 pupils worked creatively to construct their own models, carefully considering the materials and structural elements that make the shelters effective. This project not only helped them understand the significance of wartime precautions but also encouraged them to think critically about engineering and design.
Through practical activities like this, history becomes more than just words in a textbook—it transforms into a lived experience, sparking curiosity and deepening understanding. Well done, Year 6, on your fantastic creations!