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St Gabriel’s

St Gabriel’s

Kennet Park Run Award for St Gabriel's Pupil

We’re thrilled to announce that Matilda, one of our talented Year 5 pupils, has been awarded the Kennet Team Park Run trophy for achieving the highest age-graded percentage in the female category.

Every October, Kennet Team Park Run honours runners who achieve exceptional scores, and Matilda’s remarkable 82.14% places her at the National Class level—a truly impressive accomplishment!

An age-graded percentage score allows runners of different ages and sexes to compare their performances against the world record for their respective categories. Matilda’s 82.14% means her performance ranks amongst the nation’s best for her age and gender—a score well above the “National Class” threshold of 80%, showing her dedication and talent at running.

The Kennet Team Park Run celebrates achievements like Matilda’s to inspire young and experienced runners alike. With her hard work and commitment, Matilda’s results continue to inspire our school community. Congratulations, Matilda, on this outstanding achievement—keep running!