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St Gabriel’s

St Gabriel’s

St Gabriel's Prize Giving: Celebrating Excellence and Inspiration

On Monday 21 October, St Gabriel's hosted its annual Prize Giving ceremony in the Sports Hall, where students, staff, and families gathered to celebrate the achievements of the past academic year.

The event was presided over by the Chairman of School Governors, Nigel Garland, with speeches from Principal Ricki Smith, former St Gabriel’s pupil, Mia Ashfield and our current Head Girl, Charlotte H.

Principal Ricki Smith delivered an engaging and reflective speech. At its heart was a celebration of St Gabriel’s and the tenets which define and distinguish our community. With current political policies dictated by a very narrow view of what independent education is – perceived as being full of affected and arrogant young people who have a sense of superiority and entitlement, we can proudly state that in the best possible way, St Gabriel’s is nothing like that. There is currently a great deal of public focus on the cost and value of an independent education, with many questioning, what is the point of a fee paying school? Surely school is school and education is education? To say this though, Mr Smith reflected, was like stating that all children are the same. One size certainly does not fit all, and St Gabriel’s does not take that approach to education. In the best possible way, St Gabriel’s is exceptional because it is normal. It is exceptional because of our values, not our budgets. Our pupils are exceptional because we focus on the all-round aspect that is so important in education, rather than just one part.

In our rapidly changing world, particularly with the rise of AI and technology, Mr Smith examined how St Gabriel's is preparing students for the future. He emphasised the importance of equipping young people with the skills to navigate and utilise new technologies, while also highlighting the critical role of softer, human skills such as empathy, communication, and creativity; characteristics which are central to the St Gabriel's ethos.

Mr Smith reiterated the school’s commitment to fostering the all-round development of each individual, noting that success is not solely measured by exam results or league tables but by the personal growth and character of each pupil. He praised the exceptional achievements of the students, both academically and in extracurricular activities, from sports to the arts to charitable work; He also thanked the entire staff for their professionalism and dedication to creating the best possible learning environment. Mr Smith concluded his speech by looking to the future – one we can view with confidence as we have allowed our young people to fulfil their ambition, their potential and their dreams; sending them out into the world, knowing that they will make a difference in the future. This was a perfect moment to introduce our guest speaker and prize giver, former St Gabriel’s pupil, Mia Ashfield (2012 to 2019).

While in the Sixth Form, Mia studied Geography, Graphic Art, and Business, before going on to the Royal Agricultural University, where she earned a first-class BSc Honours in International Business Management. During her time at university, Mia and her classmate, Lily Grime, won the Royal Agricultural University’s prestigious Grand Idea competition, securing a £2,500 investment for their fledgling business idea in a Dragon’s Den-style pitch.

Mia, now Commercial & Branding Lead for Chanelle McCoy Health, gave an inspiring speech, discussing how her experiences at St Gabriel's laid the foundation for her success in university, business, and beyond. She reflected on the valuable lessons she learnt during her time at school, and how they prepared her to navigate challenges and seize opportunities in her professional life. Her words were both relatable and motivating, as she congratulated the prize winners.

Lastly, (but certainly not least!) St Gabriel's Head Girl, Charlotte Hamilton delivered an excellent vote of thanks, praising her fellow students for their hard work and dedication throughout the year.

The evening was a celebration not only of academic excellence but also of the values and skills that St Gabriel's instils in its pupils, preparing them for life beyond school. Congratulations to all the prize winners, and a special thanks to Mia Ashfield for her inspiring words and for returning to share her journey with the next generation of St Gabriel's students.