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St Gabriel’s

St Gabriel’s


A vital part of the success of our pastoral system is our PSHE programme, which is taught as a timetabled subject and is integral to the health, personal and social wellbeing of every pupil. Pupils benefit from a relevant and enjoyable programme, which enhances self-esteem and autonomy and enables them to develop the communicative and social skills needed to make well-informed, safe and healthy choices as they prepare for adult life. The programme is designed around three key themes - Health Education, RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) and Living in the Wider World (Study Skills, Careers, Finance and Citizenship).

PSHE takes place every Monday morning and is delivered primarily by form tutors, overseen by Heads of School. The programme includes specialist sessions that are delivered by the School Nurse and School Counsellor, in addition to external speakers on issues such as drugs awareness and the court system. The school also subscribes to Unifrog, an online platform which helps pupils to make informed career choices.

The PSHE programme values pupil voice and is reviewed regularly by Heads of School and the Deputy Head, Pastoral, to respond to any issues that might arise in a year group, the school or the wider community.