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St Gabriel’s

St Gabriel’s

Y7 Trip to Corinium Museum

On Friday 27th September, our Year 7s had a day out to visit the Corinium Museum in Cirencester.

The trip was intended to introduce students to the culture and everyday lives of the Romans, as well as showing them some of the outstanding archaeological sites in our area. The course they study seeks to underpin the Latin language with knowledge of Roman civilisation and the abundance of material artefacts found at Corinium provides a unique insight into life at this time.

They started with a guided session using real Roman objects to make deductions about the people who lived at Corinium including a soldier, a surgeon, and a housewife. They then translated some tombstones to gain further information about the people's lives, and finally one student from each group dressed in authentic Roman clothing to represent the person they had been studying. In the afternoon they had free time to look around the museum and do some observational sketching, as well as visiting the gift shop of course! They wrapped up their day by visiting the Corinium amphitheatre and playing a whole-year game of splat.

You can see some of their trip photos below: